Writing Your Own Vows for Your Vow Renewal Ceremony

Renewing your wedding vows is an utterly joyous occasion. After all, you’ve beaten the odds and made it through 5, 10, 25, 30 years or more. Even if those years […]

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Renewing your wedding vows is an utterly joyous occasion. After all, you’ve beaten the odds and made it through 5, 10, 25, 30 years or more. Even if those years have included some rough patches, you have made it together them together and still in love with each other. Rededicating your lives to one another with a vow renewal is an wonderful way to celebrate this accomplishment.

Writing Vows for Your Vow Renewal CeremonySo, what are you going to say to each other at your wedding vow renewal ceremony? Things are almost certainly different now than the way they were they day you got married. So while there’s nothing wrong with saying the same vows you did in your original ceremony, perhaps something a bit more personal would suit you? Remember, there are no rules for the ceremony technically, so this is your chance to really tell your spouse how you feel about them in front of the family and friends who are most important to both of you.

You might find our Vow Renewal Writing Exercise a helpful tool to get your started thinking about what you want to say. If starting from scratch seems a little intimidating, we’ve gathered some sample vows for a vow renewal ceremony to get you started.

Example Vows for a Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony

“My dearest __________________, you are my beloved husband/wife, my personal cheerleader, my confidant, and my best friend. ___ years ago we made a pledge before God and all those we hold dear to be committed to one another and love one another for life. And today my heart rejoices as we celebrate that promise that has only grown stronger as we have traveled down life’s road together. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are still the best part of each day. You still have the power to surprise me with your love and consideration. You still make me laugh until tears run down my face. And it is my heart’s prayer that in another 10 years we will still be celebrating all of these things. You have made my life complete and secure, through good times and challenges, and helped me become a better person. Thank you for making my dreams come true. Thank you for being the most special part of my world. I promise to always be beside you as your loving and devoted husband/wife and give you the very best of me. I love you with all my heart…and I always will.”

“My dearest __________________, it was ___ years ago that we first pledged our commitment to one another, but it seems like just yesterday that I was standing across from my beautiful bride/handsome groom. We have been through a lot together – laughter and tears, joy and sorrow – and through all those times, I can honestly say, I loved you every step of the way. Today, I want to renew those vows and again pledge my love and life to you. I promise to be there for you in sickness and health, in middle and old age, in good and bad hair days. Whether you feel thin, fat, beautiful, ugly, fit and trim, or out of shape, I will always think that you are perfect – perfect for me. I am here to be your supporter, your confidant, and your best friend. You are my (nickname or other). I have been blessed for the last ___ years and am thrilled that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.”

“__________________, in the past I have taken you for granted. I have put others before you. I have done things I am not proud of. And I have often been wrong. On the other hand, I have always loved you and stood beside you. I am here today to move forward with a renewed commitment to you, our love, and our lives together. I pledge that from this day forward you will be my number one priority. I promise to be there for you in all that life brings our way. It is because of you that I am here today and I vow to give you all that I am and all that I have for the rest of our lives together. This is my solemn promise.”


  1. Linda Harrow September 2, 2017 at 5:01 pm - Reply

    Join us to celebrate our 10th year vows renewal anniversary.

  2. Shertell Curry December 14, 2020 at 2:38 am - Reply

    I really appreciate this I am renewing my vows to my husband on Friday we will be married for 5 years on April 30th we have three boys thanks have a blessed day

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