Renewing Your Wedding Vows – Why, When, & How

Renewing wedding vows can be a meaningful, heartwarming, revitalizing ceremony for everyone included. As a couple, it’s a time to take a moment to stop and reflect on everything you’ve […]

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Renewing wedding vows can be a meaningful, heartwarming, revitalizing ceremony for everyone included. As a couple, it’s a time to take a moment to stop and reflect on everything you’ve experienced over the years and where you are headed. It is also a beautiful example to set for your children and grandchildren. There are few more impactful moments in the lives of children than those spent watching their parents reaffirm their enduring love. What a powerful life and love lesson!


There are many reasons why you might want to renew your wedding vows:

  • It is a milestone anniversary (5, 10, 25, or 50 years)
  • The two of you have been through a difficult time and want to mark this new chapter by reaffirming your commitment to one another
  • You want to make a public statement of your love and commitment to one another
  • Your original wedding wasn’t quite what you had hoped for (courthouse, full of disasters, someone else’s vision)and now you want something more personal
  • You simply wish to reaffirm your tremendous love for one another that has matured and deepened with the passing of years


Milestone anniversaries are particularly appropriate times to renew your commitment and love to one another. Still, you can renew your vows anytime you like. For many couples, there’s simply a feeling in their hearts that makes them want to have a vow renewal. While the date of your anniversary is a perfect time to renew your vows, you should feel free to pick any date and time of year. Frequently, the availability of your officiant, venue, vacation time, or travel destination will dictate the best date for your vow renewal.


To renew your vows, all you need is an officiant and a place. Everything else is optional. You can have a very formal celebration or keep things casual. Couples typically host the celebration themselves because it is so very personal or their adult children host it. Who hosts your vow renewal is up to you as a couple.

Members of the clearly usually conducted vow renewals since they tend to be spiritual in nature. However, if you can select anyone you like to officiate your vow renewal as unlike weddings, no legal paperwork is filed for a vow renewal.

Your vow renewal ceremony should be less formal than a wedding. You can make the ceremony as creative, casual, and personal as you like. This starts with your walk down the aisle – feel free to walk together to “your song” or go traditional with classical music. It can be romantic to buy new wedding bands for the occasion and have them engraved for the occasion. You may also renew using your original wedding rings. It should ultimately reflect the two of you.

As for the ceremony venue, you can have it performed anywhere you like. Popular places include houses of worship, banquet facilities, beaches, yachts, gardens, parks, or at a couple’s home. You can even reaffirm your vows in some far off, exotic destination! Ceremonies can be conducted in front of a large gathering of guests or in a more intimate setting. For an intimate vow renewal, limited guests to close family and friends or just with the two of you.

When renewing your vows, we recommend:

  • Put your first wedding portrait or your grandchild’s favorite drawing of the two of you on the cover of your invitation
  • Recreate your original bouquet and/or wedding cake
  • Display your first wedding photograph
  • If you write your own vows, focus on your future together; even if you’ve been through challenging times, skip reflecting on the negativity of the past
  • Walk towards one another from sides of the room or walk together down a center aisle.
  • Have an exchange of new rings or other gifts
  • Involve your children with a Unity Candle Ceremony
  • Display photographs of your first wedding specially framed on reception tables
  • Play your original wedding video during dinner as entertainment for your guests
  • Take a second honeymoon to your original honeymoon destination; stay at the same hotel if possible

Your vow renewal will be a memorable, romantic, and special celebration if you make it personal and reflective of you as a couple. Whether you decided to have a simple or elaborate celebration, shared with many friends and family, or an intimate ceremony with just the two of you, the important thing is to have fun celebrating your marriage and the strength of your love.

You deserve the vow renewal of your dreams. In a world with a high divorce rate, you’ve beaten the odds. Have your special day (again), and do it your way!

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