5 Ideas for an Intimate Vow Renewal

Planning Your Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony A wedding vow renewal should be a reflection of the couple. Sounds simple right? If you’re like most couples, the two of you are […]

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Planning Your Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony

A wedding vow renewal should be a reflection of the couple. Sounds simple right? If you’re like most couples, the two of you are truly a complex mix of like, dislikes, passions, favorite places, and so forth. To get you started thinking about what might make for the perfect vow renewal ceremony for the two of you, we’ve put together five ideas for an intimate vow renewal and painted a picture of the experience for you.

First off, there are two primary types of wedding vow renewals that are popular. Many couples who opted for a private wedding ceremony, choose to later have a larger vow renewal, often upon their one year wedding anniversary or another relationship milestone. The other type of popular vow renewal ceremony is a celebration of a 10th, 25th, or 50th anniversary and reflects on all the couple has accomplished over the years, reflects on how it all began, celebrates the family you created together and reaffirms your commitment to your future together.

As you review these ideas, think about what resonates with you as a couple. If you love the idea a simple ceremony followed by a dinner party, go for it. You can acknowledge your love before those who matter to you the most without a big budget or a lot of stress. Plus, keep in mind that a wedding vow renewal can be a regular occurrence and you can celebrate each one in a different way. Milestone anniversaries or every five, ten, or twenty years are nice occasions for this.

Here are some intimate ideas for wedding vow renewals settings or themes.

  1. A beautiful garden is the perfect place to celebrate the growth and blossoming of your union. Check with your local parks department or venue listings to find the perfect spot of the two of you. Your vows might focus on the tender nurturing you’re giving to your marriage and each other. Let the fragrant blooms and sunshine set the tone. Treat guests to pretty packages of flower seeds accompanied by a sweet message such as “Remember that love blooms with constant care.”
  2. If you happen to live near an ocean or lake, have a beach side ceremony in the summer. Go for a carefree look with white outfits and bare feet. It will feel like you’ve been swept away to an island paradise even if you can’t actually get away. Adorn your hair with flowers and invite a few of your closest family and friends to share your day. Keep the menu simple with seafood salad, fresh fruits and cheeses, white wine, and a simple cake. Write your own vows reflecting on your continued devotion, or select one of ours, and exchange them with your spouse with the sun shimmering on the water. This ceremony is sure to fill you with peace and happiness as you are reminded of how fortunate the two of you truly are.
  3. Have four legged kids? Incorporate them into the ceremony by letting your dog serve as “best dog” or carry a small pet in a basket instead of a bouquet. If you’re exchanging bands such as for an anniversary, tie a pillow with the rings attached to it to your god’s back and let them bring it in. If you are a true animal lover, invite guests to bring their pets and have a “pet treat bar” for your furry guests.
  4. Not of fan of the outdoors? Have a nice indoor ceremony followed by a simple dinner party reception. It might even be fun to show segments of your original wedding video or a few wedding pictures and other images of holidays past, pictures with your newborn(s), celebrations at the home you’ve built together, or images from your honeymoon to guests over dinner. Be sure to wrap up the celebration with a special cake!
  5. For a formal wedding vow renewal ceremony, you could revisit the place where you were first married, or you first met. Tailor your vows from the original ones you exchanged or emphasize the current aspects of your marriage. Reflect on how you have grown together, what you have learned, how much more you are in love today than you were even on your wedding day. If you have children, including them in the ceremony is a special touch. A unity candle ceremony can signify the special enduring bond of your marriage – the enduring light of your love that time and trials cannot diminish because of what you mean to one another and to each other as a family.

Your vow renewal will be ever so special as long as you make it personal and reflective of the two of you. Whether simple or elaborate, shared with many friends and family or just the two of you, have fun and celebrate your marriage and strength of your love. You are surviving in a world where many marriages do not. It’s your special day (again) – do it your way!


  1. Julie k Solomon June 11, 2019 at 12:55 pm - Reply

    My husband and I are traveling to Costa Rica and would like to renew our vows there. No one else would be traveling with us. Would it be silly to renew just the two of us? I did not know if I could contact the resort.

    • Karie July 17, 2019 at 8:05 am - Reply

      Renewing with just the two of you is perfect! It’s intimate and gives you the opportunity to say exactly what you’d like to one another. Many resorts offer vow renewal services, so calling ahead to check on their offerings is a great idea. Best of luck in your planning and have an amazing trip.

      Founder and Editor

  2. CostumeLooks.com August 27, 2019 at 7:23 pm - Reply

    You can renew your vows in a house of worship, at home, on the beach, in a pretty garden or park, on a mountaintop or on a cruise—basically, anywhere that has sentimental meaning for both of you.

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