The Essential Vow Renewal Email Etiquette Guide

Celebrations, in general, have become very digital, from custom hashtags to live-streaming the event. However, when it comes to email and your vow renewal, things tend to be a bit more traditional.

1.9 min readCategories: Etiquette

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Answers to your electronic correspondence questions

Celebrations, in general, have become very digital, from custom hashtags to live-streaming the event. However, when it comes to email and your vow renewal, things tend to be a bit more traditional. While email is definitely a budget saver, it’s not always your best option. Keep in mind, most people’s inboxes are overflowing each morning. Spam and junk mail filters stop random emails from entering the inbox. Plus, we all tend to hit delete before reading all too frequently.

Here are some etiquette tips on when the use of email is acceptable and when traditional postal mail is best.


Yes! This is one of the pieces of vow renewal-related correspondence that can most certainly go out digitally. Once you have a confirmed date, email your family and friends to let them know when the vow renewal will be. You can go with a formal electronic invitation or a simple email asking those most important to you to make sure they’re available on your chosen date.


No! When it comes to your invitations, paper is still the preferred format. A paper invitation suggests a certain level of formality and importance. It’s a great way to let your guests know how important this celebration is to you and what to expect by looking at the details of your invitation. Even if you’re having a backyard vow renewal, a paper invitation is still the way to go. You can hand-deliver your invitations for a casual celebration. Again, those for a more formal event should be sent by postal mail.

E-mail RSVPs

Yes! If a good portion of your guests is less tech-savvy, you may want to use a printed RSVP card still, but you can definitely put an email address (or website URL) where guests can RSVP digitally on your invitation insert. Some event platforms support digital RSVPs.

Travel, Lodging, and Activity Information

Yes! Sending an informational email with details on travel, lodging, and activities will allow you to provide more detailed information and make it easy for your guests to access. Print cards tend to limit the amount of information you can include, and unnecessarily increase mailing costs. If you created a vow renewal website, you can link to it and post even more information for guests there.