How to Word a Vow Renewal Response Card

Including a response card in your vow renewal invitations will make responding to your request for a RSVP easier for your guests and thus, keeping an accurate count of your […]

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Including a response card in your vow renewal invitations will make responding to your request for a RSVP easier for your guests and thus, keeping an accurate count of your guest much easier. For formal invitations, the response card is inserted with the invitation.  A vow renewal response card should be of the same style and paper stock as the invitation. It is common etiquette to pre-address and stamp the reply envelope.  However, for a more casual event, if is acceptable to have guest reply by email or telephone.  Simply include the phone number or email address they should RSVP to on the response card and forgo the envelope.

The appropriate formatting for a formal vow renewal response card is:

The favor of your reply is requested by March 1, 2012


accepts _______
regrets  _______

The “M” precedes the space where the guest(s) write their name(s) and the name of the guest, if they were invited to bring one.

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