Vow Renewal Invitation Wording – Parents Hosting Ideas

To include parents as hosts on the invitation, you could use wording such as: Mr. Michael Alvin Barrett and Mrs. Karie Lynn Boehrns-Barrett, together with their parents Mr. and Mrs. […]

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To include parents as hosts on the invitation, you could use wording such as:

Mr. Michael Alvin Barrett and Mrs. Karie Lynn Boehrns-Barrett,
together with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barrett and Ms. Cynthia Ann Boehrns
cordially invite you to attend a
renewal of vows
at seven o’clock in the evening
Grace Church
1001 Smith Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 00001

A more personal option would be:

We learn to experience love in our families and our friends…
this unity of new love will not be complete until you share with us this special day

We request the honor of your 
presence at the reaffirmation of wedding vows of our daughter
Karie Lynn
Michael Alvin
son of Celeste and Edward Barrett
Saturday, June 23, 2012
at 5:00 p.m.
Grand Manse
Alexander, Nevada

Anna and John Boehrns

For a more traditional style of invitation, the following would also be appropriate:

The honour of your presence is requested
at the renewal of the wedding vows of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alvin Barrett
Saturday, the seventh of June
at six o’clock
First Presbyterian Church
1616 Alexander Street
Hometown, Nebraska
Please join us immediately afterwards
for a reception
Grand Mansion
3456 Spectacular Place
Hometown, Nebraska


  1. Andi October 17, 2014 at 10:38 am - Reply

    My father and I didn’t know about each other when I got married 20 yrs ago. We are now renewing our vows for our 20th. What suggestions do you have for the role of the father in this circumstance? I want to make it special, he has terminal cancer.

    Thank you

    • Karie October 20, 2014 at 6:58 pm - Reply

      I’m so terribly sorry to hear your father has cancer, but it’s wonderful you have had the opportunity to get to know him and make memories that you can both hold dear. Remember, this is your vow renewal and there are no “rules” so feel free to include the special moments that he missed at your wedding. They are sure to be cherished memories for both of you, particularly given his condition.

      If your father is up to escorting you, it would be sweet to have him walk you down the isle. Simply have all of your parents and children stand once your reach your husband and have your officiant say something to the effect of “who supports this couple in their continued commitment to each other” and all of them can say “we do.”

      If he isn’t up to the walk, you can use the rose ceremony to present your parents and children with roses. https://www.idostill.com/planning/ceremony-ideas/rose-presentation-ceremony.html

      You can also celebrate the occasion with the classic father daughter dance that he missed the first time around if he is up to it. Finally, be sure to have a photographer capture these special moments!

      Congratulations on your anniversary and best wishes to all of you!

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